Patch failing because of Datapatch bug [SQL_PATCH=true]

Again I lost too many hours trying to solve an issue I got during upgrade of one 19c non-CDB database and plugging it into 21c CDB. When I execute the noncdb_to_pdb.sql script, I got following error: select cause, type, status, message from pdb_plug_in_violations where name=\'NINJAPDB\'; Non-CDB to PDB ERROR RESOLVED PDB plugged in is a ...

Sign In into Oracle Cloud: Bad Message 431

05. December 2021 Uncategorized 0
Yesterday I was working on my APEX application running on Oracle Cloud, and I created also some additional users (for OCI and APEX). Then I tried to log in as those users and switched between them, but suddenly I couldn’t log in any more into my Cloud account. The error message I got, was: Bad ...

Invalid APEX packages due to Bug 30483366 – ORA-600 [qctbyt : bfc]

03. December 2021 Uncategorized 0
It was an interesting day today. Suddenly one of our APEX environments showed some errors. We have a 19.12 database on Exadata and APEX 21.1.4. After first check, there were 2 invalid packages within APEX schema: WWV_FLOW_INTERACTIVE_GRID & WWV_FLOW_WIZARD_API. Both of them became suddenly invalid, without any change within APEX itself, and they couldn’t be ...

Oracle Cloud: How to create a database link?

25. November 2020 Uncategorized 1
On my journey to the Oracle Cloud, I got another task to complete – to create a database link between two databases running on the Oracle Cloud. I will cover the use case of creating a database link between databases in a separate regions (Switzerland > Frankfurt). Database link between databases in a separate region ...

Oracle Cloud: Some issues with the old IMP & EXP utilities

14. November 2020 Uncategorized 0
As I am still helping one customer to explore the Oracle Cloud, I am learning myself something new every time and I am also facing some issues on that way. The last one is related to the old IMP and EXP tools. One of the automated steps is to export some tables from one database ...

Oracle Cloud: ORA-00018 maximum number of sessions exceeded -> Use DRCP

08. November 2020 Uncategorized 2
One of my customers want to try out the Oracle Cloud, and they started with a small database using the “Always Free” option. So far, so good, except one issue – from time to time, they are getting the error message “ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded“. Every Oracle DBA would first check the database ...

Using one Client with multiple Oracle wallets

16. October 2020 Uncategorized 1
Last week I got a task from one customer, to set up the Oracle Client, which could seamless connect to multiple databases in the Oracle Cloud, for which we need the Oracle wallet. Let’s say there is one database in the EU region Frankfurt, and the second one is in the EU region Zurich. I ...

Database Upgrade using autoupgrade tool

This time I had to upgrade a SE2 12.2 database running on Windows on Azure Cloud to the version 19.3. I do not have such setup in my lab, so I was a little bit sceptical about it, and it will turn out – with a reason. So, I read a ton of a articles ...

You should take care about statistics!

Ever since Oracle introduced the CBO (Cost Based Optimizer) there were some performance issues, mostly because of missing or staled statistics in the database. I stopped to count the cases, when I just gathered fresh statistics for some table(s) and voilà – the query runs 100x faster! I will mention just one of the latest ...