Color your SQL*Plus scripts!

06. October 2015 Uncategorized 1
You’re in a hurry and want to quick identify some hot spot in the output you got from your SQL*Plus script? Color your SQL*Plus scripts! Here is one dummy example of it: create or replace package colors is function color(p_text in varchar2, p_fg_color in varchar2 default \'m\', p_bg_color in varchar2 default \'40m\') return varchar2; procedure ...

ORA-01548 & drop Undo tablespace

06. October 2015 Uncategorized 0
Recently I was cloning one RAC database to single instance database, and afterwards I wanted to remove one of the Undo tablespaces. Unfortunately, it didn’t go so smoothly as I expected… SQL> drop tablespace UNDOTBS2 including contents and datafiles; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01548: active rollback segment \'_SYSSMU39_1583257383$\' found, terminate dropping tablespace Hmmm, ok ...