LMS0: terminating the instance due to error 481
One production RAC database has been upgraded to 12c and everything went fine for a couple of months, but suddenly after some time, one instance got terminated with the error messages: LMS2 (ospid: 17238): terminating the instance due to error 481 ORA-00481: LMON process terminated with error The analysis was not so easy. We ...
DataPatch: patch 23177536: The database must be in upgrade mode <- are you serious!?
Today I applied the latest patchset (July 2016) and afterwards I executed datapatch tool, but got a really stupid error: [oracle/ACME1@acme01 OPatch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> select PATCH_ID, PATCH_UID, VERSION, STATUS, DESCRIPTION from DBA_REGISTRY_SQLPATCH order by BUNDLE_SERIES; no rows selected [oracle/ACME1@acme01 OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose SQL Patching tool version ...
Upgrade to 12c: ORA-38753: Cannot flashback if there is tablespace with FLASHBACK=NO !
Yesterday at customers site I had to upgrade one 11g database to 12c and stumbled upon a tricky issue. As I already upgraded a many dozens of databases, I think (or I thought at least), that I am pretty familiar with the whole process: planning, preparation, check list, pre-upgrade tasks and so on… But, yesterday ...
Unified Auditing: some gotchas to be aware of!
Database should be offline when you are enabling pure Unified Auditing or you will get this error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krsh_fsga_sgaq.ds_not_found], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] By default, in 12c version the auditing runs in mixed-mode, which means you can combine traditional auditing with unified auditing. There ...
“Slow” system & ORA-00445: background process “DIAG” did not start after 120 seconds ?
Since I am currently checking all Oracle systems at the customers site, I thought at first sight, that almost all of them are overutilized or wrong configured, because everything seemed so sloooooow… Especially the new logins and creating of the new processes were a way too slow – more than 5 seconds! Sometimes I waited ...
RMAN Duplicate for standby command gets hung while restoring the control file or spfile? Set DISABLE_OOB=on
Today I stumbled upon some mysterious issue whilst trying to duplicate one database. I used the same process and same commands, which are worked fine on other systems. But, today the duplicate command gets hung while restoring spfile on one auxiliary instance. I killed the RMAN session and started it all over again, but without ...
ORA-07445 [mdcgcvxhl()+4677] using Spatial SDO_GEOM.sdo_convexhull = Bug 22886582
After upgrade of one database to 12c, the customer complained, that one application (which uses Spatial & Graph) isn’t working properly. After analysing & tracing it, I found the root cause of it – SDO_GEOM.sdo_convexhull. In some cases, this function crashes the whole application raising ORA-03113: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 22675 Session ...
[Upgrade with DBUA + REMOTE_LISTENER with unresolvable SCAN => Fail] & [crsctl “-unsupported” supports you!]
I played with some troubleshooting tasks during database upgrade and stumbled upon some – how can I describe it? – a new findings for me. I have following environment: 2-node RAC environment with Grid Infrastructure version 1 RAC database still running on 11GR2 ( Note: the parameter REMOTE_LISTENER is empty Scenario: That database should ...
Short list of some bugs to be aware of before upgrading to 12c
In the last couple of months I was doing a lot of upgrades to the version 12c. I followed the guidelines and the documentation I found on the Oracle homepage, MOS & many blogs, but unfortunately, not every upgrade went smoothly. As always, every new database version brings a couple of new bugs and it ...
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