Wrong result returns when Subquery is unnested
A couple of days ago I got a request to take a look at one SQL query, which obviously returns the wrong result. The database version is 12.2 running on Windows on Azure Cloud. Simplified for the demo purpose it looks like this – the query returns 1 and 2, but it should return 1, ...
LMS0: terminating the instance due to error 481
One production RAC database has been upgraded to 12c and everything went fine for a couple of months, but suddenly after some time, one instance got terminated with the error messages: LMS2 (ospid: 17238): terminating the instance due to error 481 ORA-00481: LMON process terminated with error The analysis was not so easy. We ...
DataPatch: patch 23177536: The database must be in upgrade mode <- are you serious!?
Today I applied the latest patchset (July 2016) and afterwards I executed datapatch tool, but got a really stupid error: [oracle/ACME1@acme01 OPatch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> select PATCH_ID, PATCH_UID, VERSION, STATUS, DESCRIPTION from DBA_REGISTRY_SQLPATCH order by BUNDLE_SERIES; no rows selected [oracle/ACME1@acme01 OPatch]$ ./datapatch -verbose SQL Patching tool version ...
Upgrade to 12c: ORA-38753: Cannot flashback if there is tablespace with FLASHBACK=NO !
Yesterday at customers site I had to upgrade one 11g database to 12c and stumbled upon a tricky issue. As I already upgraded a many dozens of databases, I think (or I thought at least), that I am pretty familiar with the whole process: planning, preparation, check list, pre-upgrade tasks and so on… But, yesterday ...
Unified Auditing: some gotchas to be aware of!
Database should be offline when you are enabling pure Unified Auditing or you will get this error: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krsh_fsga_sgaq.ds_not_found], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] By default, in 12c version the auditing runs in mixed-mode, which means you can combine traditional auditing with unified auditing. There ...
“Slow” system & ORA-00445: background process “DIAG” did not start after 120 seconds ?
Since I am currently checking all Oracle systems at the customers site, I thought at first sight, that almost all of them are overutilized or wrong configured, because everything seemed so sloooooow… Especially the new logins and creating of the new processes were a way too slow – more than 5 seconds! Sometimes I waited ...
RMAN Duplicate for standby command gets hung while restoring the control file or spfile? Set DISABLE_OOB=on
Today I stumbled upon some mysterious issue whilst trying to duplicate one database. I used the same process and same commands, which are worked fine on other systems. But, today the duplicate command gets hung while restoring spfile on one auxiliary instance. I killed the RMAN session and started it all over again, but without ...
ORA-07445 [mdcgcvxhl()+4677] using Spatial SDO_GEOM.sdo_convexhull = Bug 22886582
After upgrade of one database to 12c, the customer complained, that one application (which uses Spatial & Graph) isn’t working properly. After analysing & tracing it, I found the root cause of it – SDO_GEOM.sdo_convexhull. In some cases, this function crashes the whole application raising ORA-03113: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 22675 Session ...
[Upgrade with DBUA + REMOTE_LISTENER with unresolvable SCAN => Fail] & [crsctl “-unsupported” supports you!]
I played with some troubleshooting tasks during database upgrade and stumbled upon some – how can I describe it? – a new findings for me. I have following environment: 2-node RAC environment with Grid Infrastructure version 1 RAC database still running on 11GR2 ( Note: the parameter REMOTE_LISTENER is empty Scenario: That database should ...
Short list of some bugs to be aware of before upgrading to 12c
In the last couple of months I was doing a lot of upgrades to the version 12c. I followed the guidelines and the documentation I found on the Oracle homepage, MOS & many blogs, but unfortunately, not every upgrade went smoothly. As always, every new database version brings a couple of new bugs and it ...
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